
Burger Queen name change to Hamburger Queen

On 4th February, after three years of promoting my body positive beauty pageant event for chubsters, I received a 'cease and desist' email from the owner of the intellectual property of ‘Burger Queen’.

My version of Burger Queen has been running since June 2011. When researching uses of the name in 2010 the first 10 pages of Google showed an iPhone app, a restaurant in west London and a diner in America. With this I launched my website for the first contest in March 2011 and promotion started that same month.

The Burger Queen trademark application was filed on 14th April 2011 and registered on the 5th August 2011.

Under very generous pro bono legal advice from my supporters, we explored the notion of both Burger Queens happily existing side by side.

The owner of ‘Burger Queen’ suggested a co existence agreement of £1000 for the use of the name for 12 months. I explained that our competition loses money every year but I carry on because of the values and body positive importance of the event. I offered £250 fee to use the name until 1st April. My offer was rejected and we have been unable to agree on a fee to license the name from him.

I am now being forced to do what people in PR call ‘rebranding’.

The beauty pageant for fat people shall be now known as Hamburger Queen!
Long may she live!

Please amend any listings or uses of the name where possible.

The show will continue to run from 7th March every Thursday at the Royal Vauxhall Tavern

I welcome any support you can give in spreading the word of the name change, events and helping me make Hamburger Queen more successful than ever!

Hamburger Queen – 100% Beef!



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